Thursday, December 18, 2014


These past few weeks we have been working on planning our spring garden. Students have been thinking long and hard about exactly what it is they would like to see growing in their school garden.
We received a seed saving tool kit from Seed Savers Exchange so we have been very excited looking through all of the wonderful heirloom varieties. Students are beginning to understand that a successful garden takes lots of planning. So far we are looking forward to a "Hunger Games" themed bed! Stay tuned!

Students had a chance to look through seed packets and diplomatically decide which plants they would like to see in the garden (there are many big ideas!).                                   


We read a book called Compost Stew. It gives us some great ideas about what can and can't go on the compost heap. This will serve us well when we begin composting in the Spring.


Finally we watched two videos. The first was about reducing our waste and recycling so that we are more responsible with our resources.

The other link reminds us that little things can also have big impacts. Have you ever forgotten your reusable bags at home when you're at the grocery store? This video offers some useful reminders so that you won't forget!

Monday, December 8, 2014

This week in garden club, we used mostly old materials (pasta/bell jars, old toys and figures) and made snowglobes, but because it was giving Tuesday, there was a catch-students had to give them away!

To make a homemade snowglobe
1.Glue a toy to the lid (we used a hot glue gun)
2. Fill the jar with water
3. Add a drop of glycerin (optional)
4. Add glitter
5. Screw the lid on and shake!
We also began discussing plants, flowers and vegetables we would like to see in our school garden next Spring.