Wednesday, November 19, 2014

11/18-Turtle time!

This week in garden club students made pets to take home. Most of the supplies were lying around my house- potting soil, green plastic cups, googly eyes, glue, tempura washable paint and paper plates. I had some "chicks" that needed good homes, but you could also use broccoli seeds or any other that don't require a lot of space. After we made our pets, we built a little island for them. Students found this project to be a lot of fun! Names ranged from "Turbo" to "Sir Snaps-a-Lot" :)


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

There was no garden club this week, but in the coming months we will be working on ideas for fundraising, various crafts and composting. ISU Master Gardeners have kindly offered to provide us with a compost bin :)

Thursday, November 6, 2014


This week in garden club, we started by reading the book "If you hold a seed," by Elly Mackay. It is a wonderfully illustrated book with a simple and honest message- take a seed, make a wish, plant that seed and wait. Then one day your wish may just come true. This book is tailored for slightly younger readers, but our 4th and 5th graders still benefited.
We played a garden game and had a brainstorming session about what we should include in the logo for our gardening t-shirts.

Riley had the great idea of coloring her thumb green to highlight what great gardeners Kenwood Elementary students are. It didn't take long until the whole class caught on!