Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Last garden harvest before students come back to school. This week we have melons, cucumbers, chard and beautiful heirloom tomatoes (many from Seed Savers Exchange) that students started from seed.

Also, check out these little guys- Thai peppers from Seed Savers Exchange

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


This week's haul has kale, chard, heirloom tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, jalapenos, beets, basil and a midget melon! Available tomorrow :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Flowers and veggies are blooming! Check out the melons, cucumbers, bell and Thai peppers coming soon!

This week we harvested basil, orange mint, lemon balm, chard, cabbage, beets, marigolds and different types of tomatoes. If you are interested in produce, available fruits and vegetables will be at school every Wednesday. Email victoriafernandez6@gmail.com for more information.